Image OneImage TwoImage ThreeAtul Bansode

About me.

My work is focused on high pressure (500 bar) chemistry and instrumentation. I combine multiple areas of science such as chemistry, mechanical engineering, electronics, and programming to create advanced instrumentation and innovative processes in catalysis. I have a special emphasis on developing high pressure and high-throughput catalytic systems, as well as in-situ/operando tools. The active areas of my research interest include renewable hydrogen production, CO2/biomass conversion, and syngas/hydrocarbon processing.


  1. Appointed as Assistant Professor at Catalysis Engineering section, TUDelft

    I continued my research and teaching activities in the field of catalytic engineering. My primary focus was on the development of efficient and sustainable catalytic processes. This involved conducting research, mentoring students, and exploring innovative approaches to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of catalytic reactions.

  2. Transitioned to TUDelft and joined the High Pressure Industrial Catalysis Lab (ICL)

    Investigated and developed novel catalytic processes for industrial applications under high pressure conditions and Worked on projects focused on advancing the field of industrial catalysis.

  3. Completed PhD and continued as a Senior Scientist at ICIQ

    I completed PhD in high pressure catalytic CO2 conversion processes and continued research as a Senior Scientist at ICIQ where I specialized in high pressure catalysis and contributed to advancing the understanding of CO2 conversion under high pressure conditions.

  4. Started PhD studies at ICIQ (Spain)

    I undertook PhD studies under the supervision of Prof. Atsushi Urakawa. My wesearch focused on the development of high pressure catalytic CO2 conversion processes wherein I created innovative spectroscopic tools for in situ/operando studies.

  5. Joined The Dow Chemical International Pvt. Ltd (India)

    I completed master's degree in Physical Chemistry from the University of Pune. My primary focus was on industrially important heterogeneous catalytic processes in the field of alternative and renewable energy programs.